Wednesday, February 12, 2014

#YOLOKids at School - I blame the parents.

While waiting to be picked up for work this morning (I don’t have a car) I overheard a conversation between two school boys waiting for their bus. I was a little mortified and instilled with great fear for their future.

They were discussing a project they had for Natural Science… Which I believe to be a fancy name for Biology? I could be wrong. Not the point. So these little chaps had a project which they had been given at the start of this school year a little over a month ago. Chap1 turns to Chap2 and this is the conversation they had. I may have edited a bit, purely because for little people they sure could swear. I’ll underline everything I have edited, you can use your imagination for what they really said.

Chap 1: “I haven’t finished it yet.”
Chap 2: “That delightful teacher is going to gosh darn fail you.”
Chap 1: Gosh Darn It! My Internet has been down, how was I meant to get the info Fool?”
Chap 2: “Use Google on your phone Delightful Friend.”

Seriously? Seriously! Back in my day, when the Internet went EEEEAAAAAAARRRRRRFFFFFFPPPPPPTWEEEEEEE, Dinosaurs roamed among us and we had 9 planets, there were these things called BOOKS and they lived in this place called The Library.

A MONTH! You’ve had a whole month and you are happily going to school with your unfinished project accompanied by your pathetic excuse for not doing it and you think your teacher is the little b*tch? SERIOUSLY! At least we had the decency to pull an all-nighter to get the project done when we were too freaking lazy to do it any earlier. Or you know play sick, throw up, do something to avoid going to school and handing in a half arsed attempt at a project. I feel sorry for teachers, having to deal with these YOLO kids on a daily basis.

I blame their parents. I’d bet my left nut (if I had one) if that poor teacher gives that little douche a failing grade on his pathetic attempt at life, I mean project, his parents will be at the school in a heartbeat b*tching and moaning about it. How is that helping your kids? In any way!
If I didn't do a project or got a failing grade, the only reason my mom would be in to see the teacher is to assure them I’m grounded and it will not happen again. Plus I’d keep that failing grade and have to work extra hard on the next project to try make up my marks for the end of the year.
Not the YOLO kids though… Nope, they are going to grow up arrogant and real stupid.

On behalf of humanity I apologize to all the teachers out there.

That’s all.

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