Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“There is no such thing as a stupid question” I CALL BULLSHIT!

So, I started a blog and then forgot about it but I'm back!

Do you remember in school when teachers would say “There is no such thing as a stupid question”? Well, they lied! There are stupid questions, they generally come from stupid people, which I’m starting to realize is more than half the planets population. The words ‘Common Sense’ breed a false hope for the human species. Common sense doesn't exist… It’s just sense and it’s a rare commodity.

After 5 years of having to deal with the public five days a week, I have found the average Joe is generally just straight up stupid and often extremely rude. As a form of venting my frustration, I started posting conversations I’d have with people on to my Facebook page. Unedited conversations with people so stupid and so rude all you can do is laugh.

The last thing I expected was for people to actually read my posts… I mean come on… Who looks at your social network pages? Turns out, quite a few people. I know right? I was just as shocked when people I hadn't spoken to in ages started sending me messages asking me when I’ll be posting again and how funny my ‘Moron Of The Day’ posts are. What made me realize you should be careful what you post is when people started sharing my status updates (I didn't know you could do that, but you can.) I’d meet friends of my friends for the first time and they’d quote my posts, on a few occasions I've been asked if I have a blog.

Shout out to my mate Jonathan Parker who was the final nail in the whole "You should have a blog" coffin. It is done.

So here I am... Blogging... Knowing the ridiculous conversations I have may put a smile on someones face, makes it a little more tolerable.

Keep a look out for my 'Moron Of The Day' posts among my other neurotic ramblings which may find their way on here.


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