Thursday, February 27, 2014

It's A Reunion!

Walking down the road. Some random lady starts walking towards me... Not past me. Towards me. Naturally I smile and start to divert my path away from her, she followed me and then:

Lady: "Hello Terri."

Me: "Ummmm Hi"

Lady: "You don't remember me do you?"

Me: "Sorry, I don't."

Lady: "I went to primary school with you."

Me: "Oh (insert smile) Hi" - still no clue who she is.

Lady: "I was friends with Megan and Kirsten?"

Me: "That's nice. Who are they?"

Lady: "We were in your class in grade seven."

Me: "Wait, you were the girls who used to call me names like Hollywood because you thought it rhymed with my surname and Dented Face because I have dimples hahahahaha!"

Lady: "Uh yeah."

Me: "Hahahahaha! There were so many creative ways you could have teased my dimples and dented face was the best you could come up with hahahahahaha!"

Lady: "So we should hang out sometime."

Me: "HAHAHAHAHA! Oh honey! That's not going to happen."

Lady: "_______"

Me: "You have a lovely day now."

Maybe I shouldn't have laughed at her to her face but I couldn't help it, it just slipped out. I had to laugh on behalf of every little weirdo that had to put up with little bitches who thought they were funny in school.

This is not the first time some random girl has walked up to me, called me by my name and told me they know me from primary school. PRIMARY SCHOOL! It's happened a few times before. I had no idea who they were either. How the heck do these people remember me? I left primary school in 2001 and we were never friends.

I suppose you never forget your first weirdo that refuses to warp who they are around your narrow idea of what "cool" is. Being your own person and not another sheep in the flock leaves a bigger impression than I originally thought.

It's ironic, girls who mocked you right through school because you were weird suddenly want to be mates with you because you're weird.

Still laughing.

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