Friday, February 14, 2014

Types of People: Choose your friends carefully

Ok, so we all know there are Delightful People who can’t help but spread blissful joy wherever they go. As awesome as they are, it’s tiring to be with them all the time… It’s not their fault; it’s how they cope with life. Sometimes it’s not all sunshine and daisies. No matter how many rainbows you paint over your problems, they are still going to be there (just prettier). Sometimes life’s unfair and sucks and that’s ok.

Then we have the Miserable People. People who see the bad and turn it into something tragic, you know the people I’m talking about “Oh looks a field of daisies, too bad daisies are weeds.” They spread misery wherever they go and are dangerous to be around. Spend too much time with these sorts of people and you’ll find yourself shopping for your very own pack of razors in no time.

We move along to the In Between People. They are generally quite happy but see things for what they really are. Life is unfair and sometimes bad things happen to good people, sometimes they happen to really awful people as well. These are the people who acknowledge the bad but instead of throwing glitter at it then pretending it’s not there or turning it into yet another reason to sit in a corner wielding a blade threatening to end it all, they accept what has happened and use it as a life lesson. Growing and becoming stronger people, they are generally the people still standing strong when the really bad things come along like a plague to wipe out humanity. They are the people who not only hold their heads high but the heads of the delightful and miserable as well. They make the best friends and will stand with you through the good, the bad and the ‘where the freak did that come from’.

I really wish we could just stop at three but alas, there is a fourth type of person and they are the worst type of person.

The Two-Face People. These are the sly conniving bitches everyone has met, worked with or been “friends” with at some point in their life. The people who wear a heroes mask but are really the worst kind of villain. They are all smiles to your face and the second your back is turned they spit venomous stories (usually untrue or exaggerated) about you to whoever will listen. These individuals are weak; they may come across as confident and strong but when confronted with the truth they will scurry like cockroaches trying to find another lie or story to dig their way out of the hole they have found themselves in. When you find yourself dealing with a person like this, you can be civil but don’t for one second think they are your friend or can be trusted. They imitate happy people, feed off of misery (preferably yours) and will throw you to the wolves to save their own skin without blinking an eye.

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