Friday, February 14, 2014

Dema Restaurant Competition FAIL:

There is a little Indian restaurant in Gateway shopping center called Dema. 

Recently they ran a competition on Facebook for Valentine’s Day. In order to be entered into the draw, you had to like their page and forward an email onto 5 friends and cc their email address '' in on it.

Seems fair enough right?

What they don’t tell you is if you win they will post your picture on their Facebook page (still ok with this) accompanied by your email address and personal cell phone number. WHOA! I am NOT ok with this! Posting a person’s email and cell phone number up on a social networking page? REALLY?! You think this is ok?

Well apparently they do. Shocked at what I had just seen, some ladies personal contact information all over my home page, I commented on the picture:

The reply I received was just straight up frightening:

SERIOUSLY? This is the excuse you are going with? Competition credibility? You couldn't, I don’t know, post the picture of the winner and Tag her in it? That way people could see she is an actual person on Facebook and she would still have her privacy.


Curious as to what these “Ts and Cs” actually were, I found myself on a mission to find them. 

Alas I fear I may be looking forever because THEY DON’T EXIST! 

I have been through their Facebook page and their Website and nothing! (Well none that I can find) How can the Terms & Conditions apply when there are none? Are they just making this up as they go along? If so… What else have they decided they are allowed to do? Will they be selling personal information of their entrants to marketing companies? Maybe they will swing by one day to collect my first borns soul? I don’t know because I can’t go read these “Ts and Cs” they speak of.

So naturally, I asked.

I’m still waiting for a reply and something tells me I’ll keep waiting.

While trying to create ‘competition credibility’ you lost all credibility as a professional business.

I don’t know who Cindy Moodley is but if I was her, I’d be pissed off. Maybe she is ok with having her cell number floating around the internet for anyone to see. Who am I to judge?

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