Friday, November 28, 2014

Moron of the Day #8

So there is this girl I went to school with who added me on all the social medias ever and I deleted her because she is a whiney annoying person with no joy in life ever and the whole world is against her, PLUS she recently started talking smack about me to a guy she likes because we are friends (and somehow in her broken logic, this was a great idea.) Needless to say my mate told me what she was saying. She sent me a message on Whats App to confront me for deleting her and I couldn't help myself:

Girl: “Did you unfriend me on Facebook?”

Me: “Yup.”

Girl: “Why?”

Me: “You’re annoying.”

Girl: “Ummmm ok. That’s really hurtful.”

Me: “Have you checked Twitter and Instagram yet?”

Girl: “No. Why?”

Me: “Oh dear, it’s going to crush your soul.”

Girl: “Why?”

Me: “I unfollowed you there as well.”

Girl: “You’re a bitch!”

Me: “I know. I really wish I could care but I just don’t.”

Girl: “You’re a shit friend, you know that.”

Me: “WHAT?! I’m a great friend!”

Girl: “Well you’re not being one now.”

Me: “OH! No, you think we are friends? We are not friends sweetie. LOL!”

Girl: TYPING... (forever but no messages coming through.)

Me: “I can tell I’ve hurt your feelings, so I’m going to block you from Whats App before you send that essay you're writing because I care more about my data than your feelings. KBYE :)”

Five minutes later I received a SMS:

Girl: “You’re a bitch.”

Not going to lie, I was impressed by her persistence in trying to make me care that she was upset. So I smsed back. (I know I’m awful, I was just trolling now.)

Me: “Ok! Ok! I’ll follow you again! Gosh!”

Girl: “What?”

Me: “Just kidding! LOLBURGER!”

Girl: “What is your problem!”

Me: “dontgiveashitaboutyoualitus. It’s a real epidemic.”

Girl: “I hope you die.”

Me: “Well, we are all going to die at some point in our lives, so that’s not much of an insult. I’m sure you can do better than that.”

Girl: “I hope you get hit by a car!”

Me: “See this is why we can’t be friends, you have no imagination.” “What about, I hope you get a flesh eating virus that melts your flesh off like acid would. Now that’s an insult.”

Girl: “You’re a bitch. I’m done talking to you.”

Me: “Well finally! It took you long enough.”

Girl: “Bitch.”

Me: “Go to my blog,”

Girl: "Why?"

Me: "You're my new Moron Of The Day post! Yaaaaay!"

Not going to lie... That was fun.

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