Friday, November 14, 2014

Down & Derby #2


As many of you know, I have been taken in by the most amazing full contact sport in all the lands. If you were unaware of my eight wheel obsession, where have you been? Go back and read my blog posts again!

If you are too lazy to look through my blog to find out what this derby thing is... Well just click on "DOWN & DERBY" and read my old post. (Aren't I so sweet, linking shit up for you and stuff)

Now you have a basic understanding of roller derby (admit it, you want to know more.) So, I'm going to tell you a little bit about Durban Derby, my team The MissFits, the future of Mens League and our latest and greatest Team ZA!

So Durban Derby was founded in 2012 by Michelle “Kraken” Murray and Cara “Riot Grrrl” Munroe after moving to Durban from Johannesburg where they first played derby. The league began with a handful of girls and has continued to grow since then. Between Roller Girls, Roller Boys (oh yes boys! You can derby as well.) Refs, Management and Coaching Crew, we have turned into a huge family of around 50 people, which is a heck of a lot for a sport which only hit Durban two years ago.

Click HERE to watch a doccy about Durban Derby by some awesome peeps from the School of Journalism and Media, Rhodes University. They did a flipping rad job and it's definitely worth a watch to get the general vibe of who the skaters/teams are in Durban. JUST GO WATCH IT!

I am also SUPER proud to say we have two girls from Durban Derby who have been selected for the national team and will be taking part in the Roller Derby "Blood & Thunder" World Cup being held in Texas this year! So excited! Team ZA is comprised of some of South Africas best skater girls and I for one feel a great sense of patriotic pride whenever the team is mentioned, like anyone should. This is the first time an African team will be taking part in the Roller Derby World Cup! EVER! That shit's exciting!

You can go check out our AWESOME Team ZA girls HERE or go read about the Blood & Thunder world cup HERE

If you are in Durban this weekend (15/11/2014) and maybe want to meet some of our lovely Team ZA girls then pop into Live The Venue on Saturday evening at around 8pm for the TRACK GRRRLS fundraiser! Meet the Durban Derby/MissFits/Eves Skaters as we roll around on eight wheels selling shooters to all you party animals! With awesome bands, epic skaters and general rad vibes R40 pre-sale and R50 at the door is not much to ask for... Plus all proceeds go to helping Team ZA get to Texas in December because SHIT IS EXPENSIVE! If you would like to make an additional donation towards getting our girls to Texas, we won't complain... So come party with us!

Now you know a little about Durban Derby, The MissFits and Eves Kanevils, click on the team/league names and LIKE us on Facebook. 

Durban Derby is also working on starting a mens league (see boys, I said you can derby) It's still early days but with the quality of men skating at the moment, you just know this is going to go far! So if you are a guy and are interested in derby, go like our facebook pages or hit up your closest derby girl/boy for more information on practices and fresh meat intake. (Don't really hit them because they hit back.) Then just show up and fall in love with derby. It's that simple.

The MissFits shoot before our last bout against the Eves Kanevils.
Rocking the Purple Leopard Print because we're awesome!
My team The MissFits are ridiculously fanflippingtasic geeks who love rainbows, unicorns and llamas. We have a theme song for EVERYTHING and are not afraid to break out in song wherever we are.
Our team colors are black and purple leopard print (which I'm sure you already figured out) Here is a little break down of our uniforms:

Hope this has given you a little insight into Derby in Durban. Hope to see you at the next fresh meat intake for new skaters! Like our page, come to our events and most importantly lace up your skates!

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