Friday, November 28, 2014

Dear Crazy Cat Lady:

So my sisters and I went out the other night and met a crazy cat lady... This post is for her:

Dear Crazy Cat Lady,

Meow meow. Meooooow meow meow meow meeeeew meow meow. Mow meow mew. Mouw Mouw Meow!

Mouw Mouw, mew meow mouw. Mouw mew mew mew. Meow.
Meow meow meow meow, mew mew , mouw meow. Meow meow mewo mew meow mauw. Prrrrrrrr... Meow mew.

Mauw mouw meow mew mew prrr. Mew meow meow mew. Mew Mew Meow, mauw mew mew. Meow.

Meow Meow,

(she understands.)

P.S... I found a crazy cat lady friend for you... Her name is Debbie and she "just can't, just. Just can't." You can watch her YouTube video here: eHarmony Video Bio It's really something special, please watch it.

and click HERE to watch the song made from Debbies video.

That's all. 


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