Thursday, March 13, 2014

Moron of the Day #5

So it looks like this day is turning into one of THOSE days! I've barely posted my Moron of the Day #4 and I have another one. 

Ok, for your sanity and mine, I'm not going to type out the entire conversation because 
1. I don't remember all of it. 
2. It was 4 minutes 36 seconds long!
3. It wasn't even a conversation.

How can a conversation not be a conversation you might wonder to yourself? What is this nutcase going on about?

Well, it wasn't an actual conversation because I greeted this delightful gentleman and then he proceeded to narrate to me everything he was filling out on our online Soccer World Cup booking form.


He didn't ask me a single question, when I tried to explain to him if he fills in everything on the form there won't be a problem.(the form is extremely straight forward, with no room for mistakes. Unless you have the IQ of a brick.) He just said yes he knows and then carried on telling me what he was filling in.

It's like the universe is trying to get back at me for calling Moron of the Day #4 stupid.

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