Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Mother Nature is trying to kill you #2

Not all Scorpions are created equal. Some have ability to kill and maim you... Others not so much. Today I'm going to tell you about the scorpions who will do no harm to you what so ever... Just kidding! Where is the fun in that? Instead I'm going to tell you about the three most deadly scorpions found all around the world, Some can be found right in your back garden! FUN!

Let's start:

The Deathstalker Scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus)

The Deathstalker scorpions dangerous sounding name should be warning enough. It is definitely one of the most dangerous scorpions in the world. It's venom is a highly toxic neurotoxin and if stung, the victim will likely never forget the excruciating pain it delivers.

The symptoms of a Deathstalker scorpions sting is an increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, convulsions and coma. It may even cause death to small children or unhealthy adults.

It is not advisable to have these scorpions as pets. (which apparently people do? WTF! They are scorpions!) The reason why is because (they are scorpions) these scorpions are very aggressive (plus they are scorpions) and become very agitated when confined in a small cage. (because they are SCORPIONS!)
Luckily there is an effective anti-venom for the Deathstalker. It is highly advised to seek medical attention if somebody gets stung by these scorpions. (If this is not obvious to you then do the world a favor and just ride it out, see what happens.)

It is sometimes very hard to identify them, because their color varies depending on where they live. They usually are yellow or green and due to their plastic-like appearance, they look almost like toys. So if you see a "toy" scorpion just hanging out all alone... Maybe leave it where it is. Mkay?

Arabian Fat-Tailed Scorpion

It has been an ongoing debate as to whether or not the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion or the Deathstalker is the most dangerous. To be honest, I don't really care who would win in a battle, I'm staying the heck away from BOTH!

A sting from the Arabian fat-tailed scorpion can cause a number of terrible symptoms. Besides the obvious pain, there are seizures, unconsciousness and hypertension. The people who are most in danger of dying from its sting are (again) young children, unhealthy people and people with heart problems. Death doesn't usually occur however because of an anti-venom which can usually be delivered in time. Although if you are an idiot and don't get yourself some anti-venom within 7 hours, well the world will be one idiot less.

Many people have claimed the Arabian fat-tailed and the Black fat-tailed are the same species. These people are stupid and should not be allowed to comment on anything. Ever. While they do look similar, (Most scorpions look alike. They are scorpions.) they are two distinct and very different species. Don't believe me? Still want to argue? How about I sting you with the Arabian fat-tailed and offer you the anti-venom for the Black fat-tailed? How sure are you that you're not a moron?

ANYWAY! Moving right along to what is said to be the most dangerous scorpion in the world...

The Indian Red Scorpion (Hottentotta Tamulus)

The Indian Red Scorpion has been said to be the most lethal in the world. Although not agreed upon by all, this tiny scorpion does pack a huge punch. 

When stung, typically victims experience nausea, heart problems, discoloration of the skin, and in more severe cases, pulmonary edema, which is basically accumulation of fluid in the lungs.
Pulmonary edema causes shortness of breath and could lead to death. Severity of these symptoms depends on the amount of venom received and the susceptibility of the victim.

Scary? Nope.
What's really scary is that scorpion anti-venom doesn't help much with a sting from an Indian Red Scorpion. According to clinical studies, however, prazosin, which is a drug used to treat high blood pressure, can raise mortality rates by 4%. My advice... just don't get stung!

These deadly scorpions live mostly in India and in the eastern regions of Nepal and Pakistan. They have also been found in Sri Lanka, but sightings are rare.

Indian Red Scorpions are not very large, ranging from 40 to 60 millimeters in length. The color of the species varies from orange to brown to grey, and have dark grey spots scattered from the head on down to the lower back. They also have relatively small pincers and a large stinger end.

I don't know about you guys but I've always considered all scorpions a threat. I don't care if some are as harmless as a bee... Do you run around playing with bees? No. You don't. Mainly because it hurts when they sting you. Harmless as a bee pfft, let's put you in a room with a bee and see how you react! 

Scorpions are not our friends!

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