Monday, March 24, 2014

#YOLO Kids: When your friends become them.

So I was called a “sexually repressed moron” for “throwing shade” (huh?) at a friend of mine. I’m guessing throwing shade means something along the lines of expressing concern for her with a less than tasteful picture floating around a public forum? I think… Haven’t the foggiest!

So I did what any old lady born in the 80’s would do… I went to the one place you can get a definition and example of a YOLO Kids dialect, that’s right ladies and gentlemen Urban Dictionary and here is what I found:

Ok… I now understand what it means and I can respectfully disagree.

Approaching a friend privately about a picture featuring her, some other girl, a penis (yes, I know. It was plastic but you had to look closely to see that, so my point still stands) and some distastefully placed squirting liquid is in fact NOT throwing shade! It is actually giving a shit about your friends and how they are perceived by the public.
This picture is the banner of a public Facebook page, up there for the entire world to see. THE ENTIRE WORLD! That includes perspective employers. For someone who has not finished varsity yet, perhaps this should be taken seriously. I know for a fact before people consider you for a position in their company, they search your social networking pages. They get someone like me who can find all your dirty laundry you have aired on the Internet. (Even if you think you've deleted it. I'm good but it's not that hard.)

So yes, YOLO. This is correct, you really do only live once but you're a complete moron if you think you live without consequences for your actions.
You live once regretting all the stupid punk ass shit you have done in the name of "fun" because this shit comes back to haunt you. When it does (and it will.) take a good hard look at who is still standing at your side. It's more than likely going to be the people who were called "sexually repressed morons" because they had the good sense to tell you that shit was a bad idea.

Those are the friends who actually care about you. The ones who would rather you hate them, than sit back and say nothing while you blindly run down a dangerous path.
Those are however also the people who can only do so much before they wash their hands of your bullshit. (nobody with any self respect wants to be associated with someone who has that kind of reputation) 

So basically, make better life decisions.

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