Monday, March 10, 2014

Movie Weekend: I was scared proper!

So this past weekend, I spent the whole weekend on the couch in my PJs watching movies and eating junk with a mate of mine. Ok I’m exaggerating, not the whole weekend; we took a break for about an hour or two to watch the rugby at a rad little pub. It was really awesome, I got to watch a few movies I've wanted to watch for a while but just haven’t had time for. Plus a few movies I had no intention of ever watching.(Funny enough I enjoyed them.) The weekend was kicked off with the new Carrie movie.(eeeek)While it was not an exact remake of the original story, it was still flipping good and I loved it.

We then moved onto a movie which is actually the reason I’m writing this blog entry. I thought it was going to be a load of rubbish. I still can’t decide if I liked it or not, all I know is it should have been really stupid but it scared the living sh*t out of me.

Allow me to introduce: Evil Dead

Basic Plot: Five friends head to a remote cabin, yes remote cabins… why do people still go to these when they are obviously going to die. Just looking at the creepy broken down pile of wood they were calling a cabin, I could tell this would be one of THOSE movies and I was pretty annoyed already. I think I actually rolled my eyes and bitched about it to my mate who was forcing to watch it. All he said was “Just watch” so I did. So these dumb kids are there for a drug intervention, one of the girls is a junkie and she agrees to stop (PFFFFT They didn't believe her either.) Thanks to a siff smell in the cabin and some help from their cute little dog (I like to call him fluffy, whatever you do, don’t get attached to fluffy!) they find their way into a basement which just happens to be full of creepy Exorcism stuff (the basement events are all shown in the first five minutes of the movie, extremely creepy and messed up.) while looking through the basement they discover a Book of the Dead. One of the dumb kids stupidly ignores warnings on the book and unwittingly summons up a demon. The evil presence possesses the druggy chick first as she tries to make her way back to the city suffering from withdrawals (that’s when shit get freaking creepy and kind of sick) Demon possessed druggy girl starts killing people off in some really stuffed up ways. 

Long story short, this movie is messed up and while I generally love messed up creepy horrors, this movie gave me nightmares. Seriously, I’m talking about wake up in the middle of the night heart racing fearing for your life kind of nightmares. 
So if you are a fan of that kind of terror, then this is the movie for you. If you are sensitive to scary movies DO NOT WATCH THIS! You will never sleep again. 

I had no idea that dumb poster would be this accurate. Then again maybe this movie just plays on my fears a lot more than anything else and it won’t be that bad for you. I don’t know. All I know is I will never watch it again. We ended up watching Scary Movie 5 afterwards (they rip off Evil Dead) to try and make me laugh before I went to bed. I laughed but it didn't help, I still woke up in horror early hours of the morning. 
The rest of the weekend we watched everything from Wolverine to The Call. It was a flipping rad way to spend a weekend and I suggest everyone tries it.

That's all.

Seals are just dog mermaids... Think about it.

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