Monday, February 9, 2015

I have no words... OK, I have a few.

I for once in my life am battling to string a sentence together.

Some of you may have read my posts Moron of the day #9 and Did my post offend you? I wish I was sorry but I'm not. After posting on Friday afternoon my blog email kind of blew up.

'Did my post offend you?' very quickly became my most viewed post. Within two and a half hours it had 179 views and by the time I logged in on Sunday morning, it was well past that. After sitting on the floor with my laptop in absolute shock for a few minutes, I logged onto my blog email to see if anyone had written to me. I was not prepared for what happened next.

Yup... That was my reaction as well. TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE EMAILS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

To be 100% honest, I thought it was a prank. I did not believe 293 people had an opinion on my little rant about two silly little girls but they did!

Most of the mails were people agreeing with me and telling me how irritated they are with people like Rachel and Megan. 

Some were from people who were bullied growing up because they were different. The amount of people who went through this was shocking and made me weep for humanity. Here are some of the messages I've received from people:

I have not gotten to everyone yet but I promise if you haven't had a reply from me yet, it's on its way. There are so many emails and I have plenty to say to each of you.

So until you hear from me, thanks for your support and please don't hesitate to email again. I like reading your thoughts on my posts and life in general.


*Unrelated Fact: Buckingham Palace has 602 rooms.

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