Sunday, February 22, 2015

I forgot my phone at home.

That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I am phone-less. 
Not going to lie, I don’t like this feeling.

When I realized I had left my phone on my bed, I had a little emotional breakdown.
This had nothing to do with “How will anyone contact me” or “What if there is an emergency.” No, my emotional breakdown was “OH MY GLOB! MY TAMAGOTCHI IS GOING TO DIE!” Yup, my heart sunk into my stomach and my mind began to race because my virtual pet might just starve to death!

Now I know what you are thinking… It’s a virtual pet, it’s not going to die. It’s just going to reboot but you are wrong! Essentially everything my pet is at this time in its life will be erased and a new pet will be issued. So yes, my pet is going to DIE!

Moo the cat will be lost. How can I justify starting again with a new pet knowing full well I've murdered my old one. So this is it, if Moo is dead when I get home. I will lay him to rest and no more virtual pets for me.

I’ll miss that happy little cat with his love for gingerbread men, playing climb the tree and his smiley face poop.

I hope he doesn't die. I don't even have a picture of him. So here is a Honey Boo-Boo gif instead.

That’s all.


Moo is alive and well! YAY!
Here is a picture:

Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Hello Internet Friends!

Why is it when you wake up on time in the morning you are always late but if you wake up late you are somehow magically on time? 

I think it's because when you wake up on time you're all "Yeah! Winning! I'm just going to stroll around and ... OH MY GOD I'M LATE!" and when you hit the snooze button a billion times, you suddenly realize you've over slept and wake up in a flat panic. You jump out of bed like a ninja and then proceed to ninja shower, ninja dress, ninja make up... No, wait that doesn't sound right. You know what I mean. Anyway, you suddenly end up with time to pack your lunch and have a coffee before you have to leave for work. (or is that just me?)

I woke up on time this morning and didn't hit the snooze button on my alarm once. I've done this enough times to know it's a trap, so I proceeded to get ready for work with one eye on the clock at all times. (You're picturing that now aren't you.) Then it happened... "Where are my pants?" Yup. I've lost my pants. I could not for the life of me find any of my work pants. It's like they grew legs and walked away... No wait... They already had legs... WHY IS THIS SO CONFUSING! After searching through every item of clothing, just to make sure I'm not going mad, I was late and had nothing to wear.

Irritated with the entire situation, I managed to throw together an outfit that was not entirely useless, apply the most pathetic attempt at make up the world has ever seen (I put mascara on... That's all... Just mascara.) and managed to grab something for lunch while literally running out of the house.

I made it though. I was at work on time. OOOOOOH YEEEEEAAAAAAAH! (insert awkward dance moves)

My day moved along pretty calmly and when I looked up from my PC again it was time to eat! YAY! So I went to the kitchen to see what I had packed for lunch. (I knew it was something along the lines of tuna but I was in such a rush this morning I couldn't remember what it was.) For some reason, in my chaotic state this morning, I had grabbed a tin of tuna. (YES! It was tuna.) That's it though, just a tin of tuna and I had put it in a lunchbox. SERIOUSLY! I took a closed tin of tuna and put it in a lunchbox. What was I thinking this morning? In my mad rush did I think to myself "What if the processed dead fish inside this tin decides it wants out and smashes it's way out of a sealed tin, yup, better put it in a lunch box." Early morning Terri what is your dysfunction?! I kind of forgive myself because Pre-Coffee Terri is a bit useless but still... A tin of tuna in a lunchbox!

After seriously doubting my ability to be a human in the morning, I made my way to the shopping center across the road from my office to buy everything else I needed to make my tin of tuna into an actual meal. This was a fun and odd time... Fun because I got to stretch my legs and have a little walk around... Odd because while waiting to pay for my lunch stuff, I stood behind a guy who was flexing his muscles and checking himself out. In public. Not like a little flex and check my pecks... No this was a full on Johnny Bravo check my pecks moment and he didn't care that there were people looking at him with blank expressions on their faces, nope he was too busy checking himself out.

Get back to the office, only realize we have no tin opener. Seriously?! The one thing I grabbed from home for lunch and I can't open it. I then proceeded to skillfully open the tin with a knife... Apocalypse style! Oh yes! I'm prepared I can open a tin of tuna with nothing but a knife and sheer love for lunch. Plus I barely injured myself.

That's all. There was really no point to this post other than to tell you I'm useless in the morning before coffee and I don't know how to pack lunch.

Sorry for wasting your time.

To apologize here is a picture of Austin Carlile (Of Mice & Men) Oliver Sykes (Bring Me The Horizon) Kellin Quinn (Sleeping With Sirens) Vic Fuentes (Pierce The Veil) and Andy Biersack (Black Veil Brides) all wearing flower crowns:

Yeah, they are evil devil worshipers...

Monday, February 9, 2015

I have no words... OK, I have a few.

I for once in my life am battling to string a sentence together.

Some of you may have read my posts Moron of the day #9 and Did my post offend you? I wish I was sorry but I'm not. After posting on Friday afternoon my blog email kind of blew up.

'Did my post offend you?' very quickly became my most viewed post. Within two and a half hours it had 179 views and by the time I logged in on Sunday morning, it was well past that. After sitting on the floor with my laptop in absolute shock for a few minutes, I logged onto my blog email to see if anyone had written to me. I was not prepared for what happened next.

Yup... That was my reaction as well. TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE EMAILS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!

To be 100% honest, I thought it was a prank. I did not believe 293 people had an opinion on my little rant about two silly little girls but they did!

Most of the mails were people agreeing with me and telling me how irritated they are with people like Rachel and Megan. 

Some were from people who were bullied growing up because they were different. The amount of people who went through this was shocking and made me weep for humanity. Here are some of the messages I've received from people:

I have not gotten to everyone yet but I promise if you haven't had a reply from me yet, it's on its way. There are so many emails and I have plenty to say to each of you.

So until you hear from me, thanks for your support and please don't hesitate to email again. I like reading your thoughts on my posts and life in general.


*Unrelated Fact: Buckingham Palace has 602 rooms.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Did my post offend you? I wish I was sorry but I'm not.

So I don't know if anyone has read my Moron of the day #9 yet but I received an email from Rachel's mate Megan... It was too good to keep to myself, so here you go:

So of cause I replied:

I haven't heard back yet.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Moron of the day #9

Dear Friends,

Don’t be narrow minded fools.
That’s all.


Oh Please! Like that’s all I have to say! COME ON! It’s like you don’t know me at all!

So I received a message from an old friend’s girlfriend. I say old friend because we haven’t really hung out in a while… (Not a clue why she asked me and not someone he hangs out with on a daily basis.) Anyway, she is throwing a Rock N Roll themed party for him and wanted to know what hard rock and metalcore bands he likes. Not sure why she doesn’t know this, you know dating him and everything. I could tell she needed help when she asked about “the screamo bands an stuff” This is how our conversation went:

RACHEL: “Hi Terri, i dnt no if u remmbr meeting me. im Gabes gf Rachel.” 

ME: “Hey Rachel, yeah I do, what’s up?” (Honestly, no clue who you are dude. Why are you speaking to me and why can’t you spell?)

RACHEL: “im throwing a party fr Gabe an need ur help. Do u no wht rock music he likes. the screamo bands an stuff.”

(I don’t know when “screamo” became a genre of music. Also I think I just died a little inside.)

ME: “I’m not sure if he still likes the same bands as I do but I can send you some Metalcore if you like?” (Subtle corrections.) 

RACHEL: “thnx that wil hlp. My email is”

Taking into account there will be people at this party who think Screamo is the actual name for my most beloved genre of music. I sent through some chilled stuff.

ME: “Hi Rachel, I’ve sent through some stuff Gabriel used to listen to. Sleeping With Sirens are pretty chilled, Black Veil Brides are a bit more hard rock, Bring Me The Horizon Gabe loves, Memphis May Fire and Of Mice & Men I think he’d enjoy as well.”


Around 3 hours later I received another message from Rachel.

RACHEL: “Hi Terri. Do u hav anything tht is NOT evil?”

ME: “Ummmm… Are you serious?”

RACHEL: “The Sirens 1 is fine an I thought the Brides 1 was fine to bt I googled them an they r in blk an hav makeup on.”

ME: “You are ridiculous. I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Go away.”

RACHEL: “il pray fr u.”

ME: “Maybe ask Jesus to send you a thesaurus while you’re at it.” 
(My friend Van came up with that one while I was having a little break down telling her what was happening. It was funny, so I sent it. LOLBURGER!)

So friends, don’t be dicks and judge people on what they look like or what kind of music they make. They may not be your hero but they are someone else’s.

I wasn't sure if I should list this under a Moron of the day post or Rachel is an idiotic little twat who should be shunned by society. Rant over.

Click HERE to see what I think of this conversation.

Ok, that’s all for real.