Monday, August 3, 2015


That's right ladies and gentlemen!
This little Myrmecophobic went to watch a movie about a guy who controls ANTS!
If you don't know what the heck Myrmecophobia is and couldn't figure it out from the word 'ants' in capital letters well here you go:

Myrmecophobia is an intense fear of ants. This fear belongs to the more general category of Entomophobias (the fear of insects). But the fear of bees and fear of ants are more specific as the sufferers only fear those respective classes of insects.

Myrmecophobia is in a sense, similar to Arachnophobes- (people who fear spiders) in that; they might shudder or cry at the sight of ants just like the latter might do at the sight of spiders. People with an extreme ant phobia often believe that these bugs might enter their homes, contaminate their food or lead to massive destruction, damage, even death. (Massive destruction, damage and death... That's where I'm at.)The fear of ants manifests in different ways and varies from individual to individual. People suffering from Myrmecophobia suffer from variety of physical and emotional symptoms:

  1. Shuddering, trembling, feeling terrified at the sight/thought of ants.(Yup.) Some phobics might lose consciousness momentarily when they come in contact with an ant. (close but no.) Uncontrollable weeping, feeling like running away and hiding or having a full blown panic attack are some other symptoms of Myrmecophobia. (Yeah most of the time. Although no weeping but that's just because I have been teased enough for this.)
  2. Phobics might imagine “killer ants attacking and dragging them away to their Queen” over and over as seen in some movies/shows. (No, can't say that has happened...)
  3. They might avoid gardening or stepping outdoors in summer and spring when ants are rampant (Meh)
  4. Some people fear that ants will contaminate their foods or invade their homes. This leads to an obsessive compulsive behavior in the form of cleaning the house, locking the doors and windows, or being overzealous in the use of pesticides to prevent ants in their homes and yards. (Yeah, this happens...)
Ok, So my fear of Ants is not as bad as it could be... I can still function with ants around and even though the sight of them makes me dizzy, nauseous and sweaty palmed; I've never actually passed out. My skin just crawls and I want to puke. I do still get laughed at every time someone mentions my fear of ants. Which I just brush off but it's a dick thing to do, so just don't. Ok.

If someone had to jump up onto a bed flapping their arms around because a giant flying cockroach just flew into the room, would you laugh? probably but you wouldn't tease them because you'd understand.

If someone told you the sight of blood made them faint, you would say "Awww shame" and feel bad for them. You wouldn't point and laugh while pissing yourself with laughter... WOULD YOU?!
It's the same damn thing, so just don't be a dick ok.

Anyway, Moving on to what this post was meant to be about:


So unlike every other Marvel movie I have ever gone to the movies to watch, I was not excited. NOT EXCITED AT ALL! I knew everyone else was going to see a lighthearted and slightly cheesy super hero movie, while I was going to watch a horror. The type of movie that would make my skin crawl, my palms sweaty and my heart race.
A horror designed just for me. A horror I felt Marvel was forcing me to watch. I knew Ant-Man would tie into the other Marvel movies I was so dedicated to follow, so this was a sacrifice I had to make.
So I clutched my boyfriends hand as tight as possible and braved the oncoming storm.

Yes, I was right but also so very very wrong about this movie. 
Even though the sheer volume of ants in this movie was enough to leave me nauseous and light headed, I was glad I went.
Ant-Man is not as cheesy as I expected.
In fact I really enjoyed it.

A movie that could have been super lame was so well done a myrmecophobe like myself didn't mind the enormous quantity of creepy ants. I actually think I may watch it again.

Paul Rudd was an amazing Ant-Man! He was sarcastic and cocky yet extremely likable.
All in all every cast member bought their own little something something to their characters, throw in a pretty rad story line, some epic effects and you have yourself a pretty epic movie.

So I think everyone should put their prejudice aside and go watch Ant-Man.
You won't regret it.
Your favorite character however probably won't be Scott Lang (Ant-Man), I'm guessing it will be one of his sidekicks Luis played by Michael Peña. I don't know how but the few times you see him on screen will have you rolling around peeing yourself with laughter. That guy is funny man!

Don't take my word for it though. Go watch it and let me know what you think.

That's all. 
Be nice to people who are afraid of random things.
Don't do drugs.
Stay in school.
Unless you're in matric, then leave at the end of the year.
It's been so long, I can't remember how to end a post.
I feel like I've made it awkward.
Save water.
Switch off.
Stay alert, stay alive.
Wash your hands before you eat.
Peace out.

Ok I think I'm done.

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