Thursday, April 24, 2014

OK! So here's the deal:

I know I haven't blogged in a long time and frankly I didn't realize my neurotic ramblings meant that much to you guys. I have received a few mails from people asking what my problem is, stuff along the lines of "You start a blog and then just don't post in it. What's up with that?"

I apologize if I have hindered your growth as a human being in anyway. (Just kidding! You know you're awesome Mark)I have however been a little preoccupied by job hunting and real world problems. Not to mention Blogspot has been wigging out something hectic! Having issues logging in and if I try to add a picture to a post, everything just stops and refuses to work again. (Seriously, it's annoying and if anyone can help please feel free)

So just for your benefit here's a little catch up on what you have missed:

I was retrenched (but you already knew that) and have been job hunting. Not going to lie to you, it sucks!

A few days after my last day at work, I went to roller derby practice and got my brand spanking new SureGrip Avenger roller skates. It was love at first sight. They are my new babies and I love them. After hugging my new skates for a while, I strapped my safety gear on (safety is sexy) and laced those bad boys up. They are super-fast and I'm a little afraid of them. They move without you trying and I am not used to that.

Practice rolled on (pun intended) and I didn't die during the drills. We then had scrimmage which I was a little worried about on my new skates I'm not used to yet but I thought what the hell, what's the worst that could happen? Boy was I in for a surprise.

A few minutes into our scrimmage practice I went down and I went down weird! I landed awkwardly on my ankle, heard a crack and felt a wave of pain hit me. After being calmed down by my teammates, they assured me my skates were ok (yes, I was worried about my new babies!) and strapped my ankle to a splint. Our Captain Szerdi, teammie Amy and I then embarked on our great adventure to the closest hospital. I'm pretty sure the nurses thought we were pranking them when we pulled up at the emergency room laughing and joking. After all who cracks jokes while being put in a wheelchair? Apparently we do.

After being seen to by two nurses, a doctor and an X-Ray machine we were given the good news, no break and no fracture! Yay! Just a really bad sprain. Never been so happy for a sprained ankle before. The nurses strapped my ankle, gave me an injection for the pain and a set of red crutches (I asked for purple ones but apparently they don't have purple ones.)
My teamies who drove me to the hospital and all of those who joined us after practice made my trip to the emergency room way more fun than it should have been.

So I haven't been able to skate for the past couple weeks and won't be able to for a couple more but my awesome team have still kept me apart of everything. They are the best and I'm honoured to be a part of the MissFits.

Apart from job hunting and screwing up my ankle, I've been hanging out with friends and meeting new rad people.

Oh and crutches SUCK! They suck big hairy monkey balls!
That's all.

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