Friday, November 11, 2016

Nostradamus may have predicted Trump’s election

So we all know who Nostradamus is...

If for some unknown reason you don't:
Michel de Nostredame, usually Latinised as Nostradamus, was a French apothecary and reputed “seer” (like clairvoyant) who published collections of prophecies that have since become widely famous.

Nostradamus, who died sometime in 1566, has been credited with the predictions of the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, the collapse of the World Trade Centers, the rise of Hitler, defeat of Napoleon and the great fire of London.

Basically, he was a total badass!

Nostradamus also predicted a "great, shameless, audacious brawler will be elected governor of the army" which many believe to be Donald Trump… Come on, how many other shameless audacious brawlers do we know who have just been elected for “Governor of the army.” 
Ok, maybe South Africa has one but let's be honest our army is not really anything to be feared… I mean South Africa's fleet of attack submarines, which cost an estimated R8-billion in the infamous arms deal, are all in dry dock after the only operational vessel crashed into the seabed… (insert exasperated facial expression here) It’s ok though… According to our Naval Commander we only have them to deter sharks… No seriously, for reals, he said this live on the news… Youtube it. (This is what we are dealing with and yet South Africans are still laughing at Americas new “president” just saying.)

He also predicted what many believe to be World War 3… A war will start between two major world powers (I’m assuming Putin will say something mean in a tweet to or about Trump and Trump will just start nuking shit.) and will last for a period of 27 years. The moment of great violence will coincide with the appearance of a comet in the sky. Nuclear combat and natural disasters shall strike our planet when a giant planet approaches Earth.

So yeah, Nostradamus pretty much predicted Trump would be president and in a tantrum he is bound to throw, will start World War 3… 
If any of you are thinking “Oh please that’s ridiculous. That will never happen.” (insert mocking voice and flailing arms here) just remember what everyone said when Donald Trump announced he was running for president. Yup.

Nostradamus however is not the only clairvoyant who had a few things to say regarding American leaders… 

Baba Vanga, who was known as the 'Nostradamus from the Balkans', predicted correctly 9/11, the rise of Islamic State and that the 44th President would be African-American, she also predicted the 44th president (Barack Obama) would be the last US president… My personal opinion is that she is 100% correct because Donald Trump is not Americas next president, he is in fact Americas first Dictator. (What did that b*tch just say? You heard me.)

Vanga is said to have made hundreds of predictions in her lifetime, including that there would be a 'great Muslim war' which would start with the Arab Spring in 2010.
She predicted it would take place in Syria and would come to a conclusion in 2043 with the establishment of a caliphate with Rome at its center.

I mean, everyone has their own opinions on the events taking place in America right now, some are level headed, some are fearful, some are hopeful and some are downright narrow minded and stupid. (If you take offence to this and think I’m laying a personal attack on you, then yes it’s probably you.) 

At the end of the day regardless who the president is we all have bigger things to worry about because Nostradamus also predicted Zombies... And they are coming soon!

The year the great seventh number is accomplished,
Appearing at the time of the great games of slaughter: (oh, like all the war and killing happening now?)
Not far from the age of the great millennium, 
(Ummm, well shit.)
When the dead will come out of their graves. 
(Starts packing survival supplies.)


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