Thursday, October 6, 2016

Moron of the day #12

So I haven’t done one of these in a long time and believe me, it’s not because I haven’t had to deal with morons. It's more because by the time I’m done talking to them, I’m generally in the fetal position on the floor, holding myself, crying and repeating “It’s going to be ok…” over and over to try trick myself into believing it.


This one is short and idiotic so here we go:

Me: “Terri speaking good day”

MOTD: “Do you people not have a landline number?”

Me: “Ma’am this is a landline number”


Me: “Yes it is ma’am.”

MOTD: “No it’s not! This is an 086 number NOT a landline!”

Me: “Yes ma’am, it is a hunting facility that transfers you through to our landline numbers.”

MOTD: “So it is a cellphone number.”

Me: “No M…”

MOTD: “Phone me back, I can’t be phoning a cell phone number from my landline.”

*Remembers some people are dumb and there is no point in explaining anything to them*

Me: “Sure ma’am, may I have your number, I will phone you back.”

MOTD: “(Insert number here)

ME: “Your name is ma’am?”

MOTD: “It’s a landline number.” *Hangs up*

*Still not sure what she thought I asked, but anyway, call nameless lady back*

ME: “Hi, this is Terri from (Company name here)

MOTD: “I’m looking for (insert product here)

ME: “Sure no problem, the lady you need to speak to is not in right now, can I get her to call you back?”

MOTD: “Yes…”

ME: “Sure, ma’am your name is?”

MOTD: “(Finally a name here), you have my number.”

ME: “Yes (Clients name) I do, I will have her give you a call back.”

MOTD: “Ok, and you should really get a landline number, phoning a cell number from my home phone is expensive.”

ME: “The 086 number is our landline number ma’am.”

MOTD: “No it’s 086! 086 are cellphone numbers.”

ME: “Ok, no problem, I will suggest it. Thanks so much.”

MOTD: “Thank you. Cellphone calls are expensive on landlines.”

*Deep breath in…* *Deep breath out…* 

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