Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I like that shit #6

Hey Friends!

This post is about my favorite game of all time. CHESS!

Those of you who are my friends will know I am physically unable to just walk past a chess board. I'm drawn to it and soon enough I'm sitting down playing. (Even if it's by myself.) (Yeah, I do that. so what don't judge me!)

My interest in chess began when I was rather young, (I'm talking primary school days, like 6 or 7) My father had a Nintendo game called Chess Master. (You know the old school cartridge vibe.) When no one was around and I was bored I'd try my hand at this Chess Master thing... Needless to say I SUCKED! I was always kind of interested but soon forgot about it and moved on.

One fatal sunny day in high school while (totally lost) looking for my swimming team meeting, I stumbled upon a chess club... I had NO CLUE we had a chess club! They very kindly invited me in and gave me a quick run through of the rules... Not going to lie, I was hooked. I took a little print out of the rules home with me, went over them and thought "I can do that." Sadly it was end of term and the chess club meeting I had stumbled upon was the last one for the term.

So naturally I found chess games online and started playing. After getting my butt handed to me a few times, I got good... I got really good.

I returned to school in the new term and joined the chess club. It turns out I had a knack for it.

Anyway long story short I love chess and get very excited when I have people to play against. Which trust me, if you are not online, they are few and far between.

I still get all excited when I see someone has a chess board and if it's a beautiful hand carved set I get chills.

On New Years when the clock struck 12 and everyone was drunk, falling over and wishing each other, I was (drunk) in front of a chess board playing. I had my gorgeous boyfriend and a friend to play chess with... I'm pretty sure in that moment I was winning at life.

Well, that's all I have to say about that... For now anyway.

*Unrelated Fact: In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice-cream in your back pocket.

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