Monday, January 5, 2015

HELLO 2015!


Congratulations everyone, you made it to 2015 and with barely a scratch on you... Well Done!

I'm super excited for what this year has to offer and can't wait to share it with you little sociopaths! First, here is a little picture recap of my 2014:

Fell head over heals in love with this guy.

Said Goodbye to Edusport Travel and actually got a gift.

Visited so many coffee shops

Mmmm Coffee...

Babysat... #Hunter

Babysat A LOT! Look at my cute nephew! #Noah

Sister pool vibes

EEEEK! Got my very first pair of derby skates!

Aaand Emergency room selfies after putting
my new skates on for the first time.

Crutches are from the devil. Just saying.

Love my MissFits

My motto for 2014

I added to my ever growing collection of onesies.

And heard this A LOT! From EVERYONE!

Hung out with my epic sisters

Cut a fringe.

Hung out with my bestie

Had plenty tee-pee play times with my nephew.

Watched rad movies.

Road tripped to Joburg to watch derby

The Savage Sailor Dolls vs. The Raging Warmones

Fun with Friends at a 90s party... All of the grunge.

I ate cups of bacon with cheese sauce...
And I'm not even sorry.

Skated in South Africa's first ever inter-provincial bout.

Durban vs. Joburgs Slam Damsels

Partied with my MissFits

So much fun with my sisters, my boyfriend and friends.

Made new friends. #PugLife

Best boyfriend in the world. #iwokeuplikethis

My squishy face naps during "boring" movies.

Back to work... Done right.

So from one weirdo to another, HAPPY 2015 EVERYONE!
Always remember whiskey tastes better out of teacups.

Yes, these are all from my Instagram... I Instagram... Don't judge.
You can follow me (if you can find me) on terrrawr.

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