Congratulations everyone, you made it to 2015 and with barely a scratch on you... Well Done!
I'm super excited for what this year has to offer and can't wait to share it with you little sociopaths! First, here is a little picture recap of my 2014:
Fell head over heals in love with this guy. |
Said Goodbye to Edusport Travel and actually got a gift. |
Visited so many coffee shops |
Mmmm Coffee... |
Babysat... #Hunter |
Babysat A LOT! Look at my cute nephew! #Noah |
Sister pool vibes |
EEEEK! Got my very first pair of derby skates! |
Aaand Emergency room selfies after putting my new skates on for the first time. |
Crutches are from the devil. Just saying. |
Love my MissFits |
My motto for 2014 |
I added to my ever growing collection of onesies. |
And heard this A LOT! From EVERYONE! |
Hung out with my epic sisters |
Cut a fringe. |
Hung out with my bestie |
Had plenty tee-pee play times with my nephew. |
Watched rad movies. |
Road tripped to Joburg to watch derby |
The Savage Sailor Dolls vs. The Raging Warmones |
Fun with Friends at a 90s party... All of the grunge. |
I ate cups of bacon with cheese sauce... And I'm not even sorry. |
Skated in South Africa's first ever inter-provincial bout. |
Durban vs. Joburgs Slam Damsels |
Partied with my MissFits |
So much fun with my sisters, my boyfriend and friends. |
Made new friends. #PugLife |
Best boyfriend in the world. #iwokeuplikethis |
My squishy face naps during "boring" movies. |
Back to work... Done right. |
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So from one weirdo to another, HAPPY 2015 EVERYONE! Always remember whiskey tastes better out of teacups. |
Yes, these are all from my Instagram... I Instagram... Don't judge.
You can follow me (if you can find me) on terrrawr.
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